Sunday, June 25, 2017

All Dogs & Cats & Horses & Duck-Billed Platypii Go to Heaven

Millie's Whisper

The Pope got some folks all hot-and-bothered when the media quoted him as saying, “Heaven is open to all creatures.” It does turn out, though, that perhaps an earlier Pope, Paul VI, actually made such a statement about pets and Heaven, “One day we will again see our animals in the eternity of Christ,” talking to a young boy who had lost a beloved pet, and the media got a bit confused on who said what when.  Either way, a kind Pope acknowledged at least the possibility of seeing our companion animals again in Heaven, giving comfort to companion animal lovers everywhere.
            I’ll go with that.
            I’m not known for being absolutely logical on the subject, of course. One friend, now a minister, said to me some years ago (well, it gets more years ago each week that passes, it seems), “You have animals in your life where people should be.” A kind, good man, I didn’t argue—but, he missed a major point. I wanted to say, “What if God knew I would not have people in some places that need companionship—and gave me animals?” I didn’t, because some people just cannot fathom that sentence.
            But, then, usually they have people in such places in their lives—not that it’s an either/or situation.
            Back to Heaven….I don’t understand why folks get so upset when the thought of our pets in Heaven comes up. In the Bible, animals showed up in the Paradise of Eden before Adam. And, he got a job right off the bat:  “Go name the animals.” You have to wonder how “Duck-billed Platypus” came to him, although, really, what else could you call it? People get all worked up over that “subdue the Earth” thing. Really, God just said, “Take really, really good and wise care of the world.” In the end, Adam didn’t do so well on his own, even with his little garden spot….ok, he and Eve didn’t. But, that perfect Garden, man’s original home, Paradise on Earth, was chock-a-block full of animals. Perhaps a redeemed Earth will closely resemble that Paradise Lost, full of lush garden growth and animals happily learning each other’s names.
            We know horses stand at the ready in Heaven. Revelation 19 shows Christ riding into battle on his white stallion! What a picture, Christ on his steed, diadems on his head, the sword of His Word coming from His mouth, leading His armies, all themselves astride white horses as they follow him to the final defeat of evil!
            Pretty intricate descriptions of predatory animals coexisting with prey animals—and NOT after they have been prepared for dinner—exist in Scripture.  Isaiah 11 talks about a wolf and a young lamb together, a leopard lying with a young goat, and a calf together with a young lion—all being led by a young boy. Even in Heaven, children and animals fit naturally, as unnaturally as the other seems. 
            And, still, some people proclaim, “No animals in Heaven!”
Heavenly Ghost Ryder & Tripp

            Far more frightening than real animals in Heaven, I believe, those angels flying around God’s throne—not those little cupid creatures, made up to sell cards on Valentine’s Day—but, reading their descriptions, mighty creatures crying out “HOLY!! HOLY!!” as they fly, covering their faces in awe; learning of warrior angels like Michael (“Whose side are you on?” Joshua asked. “God’s side, Dufus.” Well, okay, not Dufus, but it’s [kind of] implied--and Joshua wound up barefoot from the deal); just seeing what Gabriel did when he got perturbed at Zacharias (he made him mute for several months at least when Zacharias doubted what Gabriel said would happen, would—until it did)—that scares me way more than the thought of a few cats and dogs running around in Heaven. (By the way, Michael shows up again in Revelation Chapter 12 fighting again; WAY scarier than the horses, in my opinion).
            The issue, of course, involves eternal souls and a fallen world. Animals do not get redemption from Christ like humans do—they don’t have that need because they don’t choose to disobey God.  When Christ paid for redemption, His redemption covered all Earth…certainly the Cross that could redeem a fallen humanity that chose to disobey God contains ample power to return to us in Heaven the pets we have lost. Most people agree the world needs changing. Why redemption shouldn’t include the whole shebang—people, animals, plants, oceans, air--escapes me. Does anyone believe if Jesus showed up at any given city animal shelter, every single cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, well, every animal there would not recognize Him? “Oh, there You are! Finally! Is our work done here? Are we going home now?” It hasn’t happened yet, of course, because He’s not back yet. (Yes, I’m one of those folks, too. I’m just all over the map—upsetting one group by animals in Heaven, another group waiting for Christ’s return. Well, keep ‘em guessing; that’s my motto).
I don’t know for sure, of course, if when I step into Heaven and into the presence of God that my beloved companion animals who have loved me here and gone before me will meet me there. I hope so. I want so. And, someday—at a point in time barreling down on me faster than I can truly comprehend, I’ll understand it all firsthand.

Heavenly Millie

            But, this I do know—and I don’t know a lot, but there but a very, very few things I KNOW--as the pastor told the little boy whose beloved dog had passed away and who came seeking comfort and knowledge about where his friend was now, “If you will be happier in Heaven with him there, then he will be there.”  Heaven lacks no good and perfect thing. And, when we all find out the truth of this for sure—as with so many other “major” issues about which we fight (and, yes, there are issues about which to fight, but, really, pets in Heaven?)—we will look at each other and say, “Why did we get so upset about this?”

            Because, a loving God Who can make so perfect a creature as a companion dog in the first place can certainly be trusted to take care of all of them (and us) in the end…..and the beginning.
MacIntosh--Waiting for Sure

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